Some of the questions we get asked most

Implementation can take as little as two weeks.

Where there’s raw invoice and usage data available we can report on it. Typically we report on expenses procured and paid for centrally such as telephony, travel and printing.

To ensure as many people as possible can access Finfo’s products and assets, they are developed to ensure users can:

  • zoom in up to 500% without the text spilling off the screen.
  • navigate using just a keyboard
  • navigate using speech recognition software
  • listen using a screen reader
  • view a text-only version


We’ve also made text as simple as possible to understand. Finfo’s products are developed within the constraints of established UX/UI conventions such as, high contrast text and colour usage. In particular, reports are designed using methodologies that meet all essential component of web accessibility within the WCAG.


This approach not only provides a good baseline but ensures recipients with additional needs, such as visual impairments, have a better experience. Collaboration between Finfo and its customers will ensure accessible brand guidelines are implemented where available.


As part of any implementation process a bespoke Equality Impact Assessment is completed to determine what accessibility requirements are required. Also, engagement with stakeholders including those responsible for Access At Work for example, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Teams and Staff Networks, where applicable.


This process allows for robust testing of Finfo’s products to ensure screen readers and other accessibility tools achieve Finfo’s Accessible Technology Statement.


Where appropriate, reports will be published in HTML format to enable custom browser settings to be used.

We don’t require your employees to be proactive. Everything is pushed to your employees email inbox. Most enterprise organisations don’t provide visibility on their overheads.

Most managed service providers have a client portal where the data is easily accessible and can be downloaded. Typically, we’re granted access to this portal and access the data on your behalf.

We understand that data can sometimes get messy and occasionally there’s missing information. That’s why we begin the implementation with an initial data audit to ensure the data is correct. Methods are introduced to ensure the data is maintained.


Contact us to know more

We’re proud of our support teams that provide a personal service to our clients. It’s important to us that we spend the time getting to know our clients and that’s why each client is assigned a dedicated relationship manager.


Our support team is always on hand when you need us, working the hours that suit you.

0800 679 1019


Each client is provided a dedicated email address which is routed to your dedicated relationship manager and support team.

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Our support team is always on hand when you need us, working the hours that suit you.

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